Dungeons, Neurons, and Dialogues: Social Interaction Dynamics in Contextual Games

Workshop at 12th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2024)

Date: September 15, 2024 UK Time

Location: Glasgow, UK

About The Workshop

The "Dungeons, Neurons, and Dialogues: Social Interaction Dynamics in Contextual Games" (DnD-SIDC) workshop aims to explore the forefront of Affective Computing by integrating advanced computational, psychological, and interaction solutions into context-based game interactions to simulate and analyze complex social interaction dynamics. This workshop reflects this year's theme for the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) 2024 conference, that is, \textit{Humans and Beyond}, by advancing research in intelligent systems that can perceive, express, or utilize affect games using virtual and real robots. Contextual games like role-playing games (RPGs) offer rich, narrative-driven environments that are ideal for studying and modeling social constructs such as empathy, rivalry, trust, engagement, and competitiveness. These games require players to navigate complex emotional landscapes, make strategic decisions based on social cues, and engage in deep narrative experiences, all within a structured but highly flexible environment. By adding intelligent agents and robots into these scenarios, researchers can investigate how these systems can understand and replicate human social behaviors, adapt to emotional contexts, and contribute to shared experiences in meaningful ways. The intersection of Affective Computing and social interaction modeling is ripe for exploration. Advances in Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Robotics have provided the necessary tools to create sophisticated and emotionally-aware agents. Furthermore, the global increase in online gaming, especially during the recent pandemic, has highlighted the potential of digital platforms as laboratories for studying Human-Computer Interaction. The DnD-SIDC workshop will explore these aspects to initiate and encourage discussions on the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of social computing and games. ACII is always a host to a diverse group of researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals who are uniquely equipped to contribute to and benefit from the workshop's objectives. The interdisciplinary nature of ACII fosters collaboration across fields such as psychology, computer science, engineering, and game design, which are all crucial for the successful integration of affective computing principles into context-based games. The DnD-SIDC workshop hopes to put forth a timely and significant contribution to ACII 2024, towards advancing the state of the art in affective computing and intelligent interaction within the novel and engaging context of complex narrative-driven games.

Join the workshop Slack Channel to stay updated and connect with the rest of the community.

Call for Papers

We invite authors to submit their contributions either as regular (6-8 pages) or short papers (2-4 pages), following the ACII 2024 Submission Guidelines. All papers will be submitted via the EasyChair submission system and will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind fashion for their novelty, relevance, contribution to the field and technical soundness.

Similar to the main ACII conference, all submissions should be made following the IEEE Conference Template. Templates can be found here or on overleaf directly. Accepted papers will be included in the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW) proceedings.

Call for Let's Play - Interactive Session

To bridge theoretical research with practical applications, we also invite live interactive sessions for participants to showcase their solutions and approaches to artificial agents engaging in context-rich games alongside human players. This session is aimed at promoting the sharing of innovative prototypes and ready-to-implement solutions with the workshop audience, allowing them to play different games with artificial agents. We invite researchers to submit 1-2 page extended abstracts for their live interaction session showcase, detailing the underlying technology and its relevance to the field. Additionally, participants will also submit a 1-minute video presentation showcasing the interactive demonstration. The selection of game solutions to be presented at the workshop will be based on innovation, technological prowess, and potential impact on the field. These abstracts will receive a light review that examines fit and factual correctness, but the authors will receive feedback from the audience during the workshop. These will not be included in the workshop proceedings but will be published on the workshop website.

All submissions to be made via EasyChair. (Select Workshop: Dungeons, Neurons, and Dialogues: Social Interaction Dynamics in Contextual Game Track)

Please contact pablo.barros [AT] sony.com for any queries regarding submission.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Affect Recognition for AI-driven Agents in Games
  • Narrative understanding and generation in game scenarios
  • Affective Procedural Content Generation (PCG) for contextual games
  • Enhancing player engagement through agents
  • Building trust in human-agent relationships
  • AI-driven adaptive game design
  • Understanding cross-cultural differences in Human-Agent Interactions in Games
  • Affective response generation in AI-driven agents
  • Ethical considerations for designing AI-driven characters
  • Research datasets, software, open-source tools, hardware analysis, system benchmarks in/for contextual games

Important Dates

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 12 June, 2024 19 June, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: 12 July, 2024
  • Camera-ready Deadline: 25 July, 2024 (All deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth time)
  • Workshop Day: 15 September, 2024

Keynote Speakers

Prof Holly Yanco

Dr Alessandra Sciutti

Italian Institute of Technology, Italy

Prof Georgios N. Yannakakis

Prof Georgios N. Yannakakis

modl.ai & University of Malta

Prof. Ozge Nilay Yalcin

Prof Ozge Nilay Yalcin

Simon Fraser University, Canada

Dr Pietro Gravino

Dr Pietro Gravino

Sony Computer Science Lab, France

Workshop Schedule



Pablo Barros

Pablo Barros

Sony, Belgium

Nikhil Churamani

Nikhil Churamani

University of Cambridge

Laura Triglia

Laura Triglia

Italian Institute of Technology

Matthias Kerzel

Matthias Kerzel

HITeC, Germany

Sponsors and Endorsements